On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
10 laps a swimming
9 miles biking
8 weights a lifting
7 tv's playing
6 miles running (jogging)
5 armstrong wrist bands
4 crying kids
3 fat guys
2 buff studs
and right now I really have to pee!
Well, in other words: my mom signed me up on the family YMCA pass (props to mom) It's pretty ghetto, but I love it. There's a pool, weight room, basketball and raquetball courts. Plus it opens at 5:15 and doesn't close till 10:30. I actually wish it stayed open a little later, but hey. I also love that it's warm there and I can break a sweat. Our house is freezing! We apparently don't have insulation in most of the house and my parents are too cheap to turn the heater up. They keep the house at about 60 and everyone is ok with that! The attic always gets a lot colder though and I have to sleep in my hoodie with 2 comforters. Not my favorite thing in the world, but I guess something has to make the house feel christmasy/different from summer.
We've been getting a tiny bit of snow, but mostly its just cold here.
ok, I'll probably up date my blog a lot over break for a few reasons. One, it gives me something to do. Two, I usually leave break having no idea what I've done for those 2 weeks and I'm kind of excited that I've found a way to totally document it and 3 I just deal better when I can vent to someone and that's probably what my blog will turn into for the next couple of days...so there: you are all forewarned!
So in reguards to the I have to pee statement: we only have one bathroom in the house and just as I was headed for it my dad jumped into the shower...bummer. I'd go outside but the 'cover bushes' are dead and there's enought snow that everyone would be able to see it...plus it's freezing so that's a no go
Yesterday Brian and I went around the 'Eastside' mall looking for christmas presents for people and I got my dad some socks. Oh and I got my drivers liscence finally. We visited my dad at work and he gave us a tour of the furniture store. He was pretty excited. Later that night my mom took me and got me a spedo swim suit so now I have something to work out in (thanks mom). They only had one color in one style that was my size so I got that. I hope it works.
JO! The "10 days of YMCA" were rockin'! THat was so funny. I just read it to my sisters. . . they love you. . .Deener said hello. We have to go shop more, and i have not bought any presents yet! ugh! That is so cool that your mom bought you a buff-pass and a swim suit. Sweet. That's a bummer that outside-peeing is a winter no-go. . .I used that method at least twice this summer. MISS YOU!
JO!! i love reading your blog! i got behind on it! hah and its only been what like 2days? i love all those pictures, they are funny- i miss you guys! but i know what you mean about writing alot while your at home. gives me somthing to do as well. so we can both write a lot together! i wish i had a YMCA pass! but my dads office has some workout equipment, so thats not bad, a treadmill and stuff. anyways well happy holidays! keep in touch!
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