Happy New Year!
Well, its New Years Eve and I think I'm going to watch a movie with Sarka and go to bed shortly after 12. I'm feeling a little sick and I don't want to look like total crap tomorrow when I see SAM!! AHHH!!! His plane comes in tomorrow at 11:30 and then I'll be riding with him and his family to Janesville (app. 45 min south) to get him released. I have a feeling that car ride might be akward. I decided to crochet him some mittens for christmas, and I got him a nice pair of reef sandals because he's going to be in San Diego.
I babysat all day today, and when I say all day I mean from 9pm last night till 7:30 tonight. We went to the mall, Mc Donalds...oh, and while we were at Mc Donalds I asked if I could see some nutrition facts (I didn't work out today or yesterday because I feel like I need my energy to keep from getting sick. I feel pretty drained) anyways, I wanted to eat whatever had the least fat/calories. I don't think it should have been a big deal but the guy at the register started giving me a hard time and asking why I was watching my weight. Oh, may I mention too that this guy was majorly suffering from dunlap (his belly done lapped over his belt...ha ha) and just looked kind of sickly in general. Anyways I told him I don't necessarily watch my weight, but I like to watch myself and make sure I'm healthy. Then he gave me an even stranger look and started almost making fun of me. It was so weird. I wanted to just tell him that I'm careful so I don't turn out people like him! Then after I ordered he didn't type it in and asked if that's what I was really eating. All I ordered was a regular hamburger. sheesh, talk about annoying. Anyways I have to babysit again tomorrow morning. I don't really want to because I wanted to spend all morning getting ready for when I see Sam. Oh well though. Since when do I get to do what I want when I come home. By the way, I forgot to change Annamarie's diaper today and didn't realize it till we were at the mall and poop got all over the place. It leaked out of her diaper and got on her clothes and was all over her. It was kind of embarassing to clean up. I got some strange looks from people in the bathroom. sick.
Ok, in response to some comments on my last blog: Mary, that thing about you stealing that guys fries was hilarius. Thanks for the running encouragement, and I don't feel guilty about thinking about Sam. I wanted to clear this up for Randy too. All I was saying was I want to see him and I was waiting and had finally gotten to the point where if it were something I had control over I would have just given in. I guess I have a certain level of tolerance for how much I want things versus how much they cost whether it be money or another type of cost (in the case of stealing I guess it would be a moral cost) and I got to the point where if it were up to me I'd just go see him. I guess it just felt strange to want to make a decision like for something I really have no control over whatsoever and come to that point with out getting the results I'm used to (getting what I want). ok, that sounded bratty. Oh well. That's how I felt.
ok, on to less complicated topics: yes it was me on desert survival who lost her shirt...and one pant leg. Luckily we found them both :) Also we found out later that a lot of people were praying. Mary: of course you can stay with me next week. I think all the beds are full (that is if everyone is back from break) but if worst comes to worse my thermarest is still available.
Randy: thanks for the advice and Angela I'm glad that you know 'carrie' and 'jo' as well.
ok, I feel like I'm just blabing the way I do to whoever is around me when I'm nervous about something and I guess that's what I'm doing with my blog because I just realized I don't really want to sign off. But I can't help it...I'm nervous about seeing Sam. I guess what I'm really nervous about is that I won't have that much time to get ready and I'll be sitting in a car with him for 45 min. before he's released. ok, I guess I should finish putting his gift together. I need to find and sew lining into the mittens, wrap the things and write in his card. time is ticking! ahhhh. Ok, I really am calm.
Good Luck! ==Too bad I start L1 semester 2 bright and early on monday, or we would put the smack down on the Ghee. Actually I'm more stoked on Jackson now that Targhee is trying to pull stunts with raising their prices and trying to go all yuppy on expanding the base into a mini-village for turtleneck jockeys...who do they think they are?? That's the local hill, not Vail, Colorado. I like the JH steeps anyway.
Jo: I have full confidence in you. . . tell sam I said "hey" and if you don't mind, maybe I'll call on the awkward car ride (which really can't be that awkward as long as you ask tons of questions-- I mean, you guys have a whole two years to catch up on). Good luck!
JO! haha thanks for the clarification!! (on that whole sam issue_ man i feel likei dont talk to you enough, i really should get to know you better! but ia m excited for you so see sam!! (in fact, you probably have already seen him by the time i am writing this! WOW!) anyhoo that mcdonalds thing was hilarious! haha what a weirdo! and i say DUNLAP too! hahah that cracked me up :) well hope you had a good new year! HAPPY 2005!!! WAHOO!!
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