yo yo yo! Did any one else used to think yo yo's were the coolest thing ever? If you could 'walk the dog' or go 'around the world' it pretty much sealed your future as a successful person.
Saturday night's guitars unplugged was awesome. I love watching talent. I don't know why but I was really in the mood to watch a performance that night. Usually it goes on for a little too long and I get a little bored, or at least a little bored in the middle of someone's sappy original, but I totally soaked up the whole thing. Then I even stayed to dance until 11pm. I made me think of Fern and Angela. I felt like if I were going to dance I should be doing it with them. Kind of like if I were to play soccer, I would want it to be with Angela or if I were going to learn to knit, I would do it with Fern. Ok, I don't know if those examples worked because I used the same people again, but I'm pretty sure Angela and Fern know what I'm talking about so there! A few funny things happened: first off John played an awesome drum solo (Ok, it wasn't funny, but it happened and I wanted to tell about it). The funny thing was that on a slow song this guy asked me to dance and while we were dancing he mentioned that he saw me snowboarding on Friday (I think he was trying to make me think we were already friends or something) and then casually asked me how old I was. A huge sign that he's pretty young but I answered truthfully "I'm 22, how old are you?" Then I could feel him shrink and he stuttered around and stated: "um, I just turned 18". Ha! They just keep getting younger. He was in junior high when I graduated from high school. The other funny thing was that I ripped my pants open at the crotch! Yeah, I don't know how I keep doing that, but it sucks. I'm not really sure at what point it happened but I know that by the end of the dance there was a hole about the size of my fist right where my underwear stops on my upper inner thigh. Yeah, not good.
Ok, now for some huge news that I just got yesterday. Are you ready? I got my first real calling at church. You'd think they'd ease me in gently, but no- every body said I have this out going personality and assumed I'd be totally comfortable up in front of everyone so they called me as a relief society teacher!!!! AAHHHH!!! I was freakn' out!!! I'm too scared to get up and bear my testimony in church let alone have everyone focus on me for a half hour for their spiritual up lift! Relief society is supposed to be the most spiritual part too! And on top of it all they have me teaching on the 4th weeks which means that I don't even have a lesson manual. I just teach what I feel the sisters need to hear from the conference talks!!! Talk about hard. And what's even more annoying is that everyone keeps telling me that they would absolutely love that type of teaching opportunity. Sheesh, as if that's going to make me feel better. So while I'm up there strugglin' through my first lesson I'm going to look out there and see a handful of 'wonderful sisters' who I know for a fact would rather be doing my job than listening to me. All I have to say is I hope there really is something to this begin set apart and being able to perform thing. I guess it just goes to show that you get called where the Lord knows you are weak. Stretching yourself is good right? Well, I'm going to be a little nervous for a while.
As of now I have a ton of homework to catch up on, a late paper to write and turn in, and a seminar to make at 4pm so I'm outty 5,000!
What goes around comes around... Remember when I helped you write your first talk ever for church, I was SOOO PROUD!! (Ah here come the tears) j/k By the by, I DO NOT ENVY YOU. I think having to make up the lesson stinks. STINKS I TELL YOU! Lessons are great because you can get hints on where to ask questions and such. Remember ("again with the remember! enough already" *read as if old and jewish) when I had to give the lesson in relief society, well I had to make that one up and no one said a word the ENTIRE TIME!! (it didn't help the my two best friends were gone at the time, again with the tears). Good luck sista! I got a calling too yesterday! but i'm not going to tell you what it is or else I won't have anything to post on MY blog. (ooh I just acomplished two goals at once 1=get you to read my blog 2=have something to say) lalalalala this is a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnng pooooooooooooooooost. Sorry I just feel like being anoying today.
I just had a thought (a dangerous past time, I know!) You should check out the library, the ward one, and try to get old old lesson books from before any of us were in relief society. Look through there and find a lessons you feel your sisters might enjoy (y'know is intersting) and give it. No one will have heard it before and you don't even have to tell anyone where you got it before. Man! why didn't I think of this sooner!!
hey-- here's a comment for ya-- did you see joel do his thang? He invited me down for the weekend to check it out, but, alas I could not! What is your email? I have some cool pics you could put on your blog! later!
i never thought yo yo's were extreemly cool, but they are a fun thing to do in a boring moment.
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