Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Alright, its tuesday and I think I've gained like 20 lbs since friday. I've been eating soo much crap!! Like tons of chocolate, cookies, ice cream and enormous portions at every meal! To top every thing off my work out schedule has slowed down. Uggg, what the heak am I doing! It's all stopping now though. I had a normal breakfast at 7:30 (cerial and a banana) and I'm not going to eat again till noon. I can tell I stretched out my stomach because it's only 10:30 and I feel like I'm starving! Anyways, enough about food. My grades are crap too and my room is a disaster. I've decided today is the day I am buckling down on my life! Ok, now that it's on my blog it's official and I have to stick to it.
Sam and I are just friends now. He's still going to be here till Saturday, then who knows what.
In answer to Sven's question they do the rock climbing contests by speed. There are four climbs and they time you and take the average.
ok, I'm going to do homework now.


At Tue Feb 15, 03:02:00 PM MST , Blogger William Cobb said...

hey, don't fret about the food thing too much. i think SAD has something to do with it. i sometimes only want to sleep all day but i don't.

instead, i spent many hours fixing the bugs in my website. i think i fixed 90% of things, and there's only one more thing to do - make the blog look like the rest of the site.

also, my digicam works as a webcam, so guess what??? the webcam is back!

whoop de doo.

The World of Brian


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