Hello. I had my interview for sea world today and they said they'd get back to me in about a week. I hope I get it. Oh, and for those of you who like to contact me by phone, my cell got dropped in the ocean in the La Jolla Cove. On a side note if you've never been there you should go. It's cool and it only takes about 15 min to enjoy. There are tons of seals and seal pups and it's a really beautiful area. Ok, back to the phone problem. Just leave a message-I can check them from other phones- or try to call Kori's cell= (208) 351-8974. Oh, and leave your phone number because all of mine are stored in my phone and I don't have ANY memorized. peace out!
A little bit of my life
...not a lot, just a little bit...
haha way to go jo!! that cell phone move was smooth- good luck with the sea world job! and write this down because its important (ie its my cell number)
luvs, marezey pants
so like, dude, is your phone gone for sure? or is it just like wet 'n stuff?
Y'know I love you Jo- But I'd have to be crazy to post my CELL PHONE NUMBER on your blog. Yes I'd like a nice order of identity theft with side batch of really anoying phone calls. Supersize.
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