Saturday, May 14, 2005

Well, it's been a while...and you know it actually feels good. I feel like I've taken the past couple of weeks and done what ever I feel like without having to report to anyone. I like my blog though and I love reading people's I continue to post. It would take me forever to tell about everything I've done but the basic gist of it is = Brian, Kori, Kason and I took a week long trip to california where we picked up brians motorcycle and some of his other stuff and heade back up to idaho. Kori and I worked at her families ranch for a week while we earned enough money to pay for gas to get us back down to san diego. We're here now in solana beach with my wonderfully hospitable cousin. We're staying in her pool house. I really do love it here. My dream house isn't too far off from Debora's. I wish I could tell everyone everything that has happened but there just isn' t enough time and I don't have the patience, but looking for jobs and a place to live has been crazy!! We have been to some of the most GHETTO places! They're pretty scary, but no need to worry we discovered (shout out to my cuz) a little web page called It's awesome. They're tons of cheap listings for rooms to rent. Things are so much cheaper when you share. I spent most of today laying on the beach and it was warm enough that we actually played in the water. Kori got a job at Sea World as a ride operator today. She'll get to work at the rock climbing wall occasionally to :) My interview is on Wednesday. I applied to be a tour guide. The alberston's in Del Mar also said they'd hire me and the lady said they start at 9.13 per hour but they'd give me more because I have experience. I don't know though. I don't really want to do the grocery store thing again. I have a degree dang it! It's just hard to get a wildlife biology job by the beach. I'm willing to stick it out though.
Well, Fern and ty-I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. I talk to you a few times a day so I don't really have anything to say but I just wanted to give you a shout out
Brian, Mary and Sven,I miss you guys and the crazy adventures.
Karah congrats on your new apartment. I hope the yard sale went better
Rando, what's up?
and mom, I know you read this so don't be afraid to comment every once in a while


At Mon May 16, 09:45:00 PM MDT , Blogger Randy Row said...

Hey-- I am in New Plymouth, NZ just doing some legal nonsense and loving life! I saw the Motorcycle Diaries last night and they were in a lot of the same places I went a couple years ago... wow, that was a random comment- yeah- so do you write angela-- I don't have her new address. Maybe post it or send it to me? Okay- good luck on the job hunt! --rando

At Tue May 17, 01:16:00 PM MDT , Blogger Mary Grace said...

hey jo!! wow i was SO glad to see you post!!! youre NOT dead!! goodluck in cali- i hate the apartment/job hunt. look at you, all grown up and going out into the world and working at sea world! wow. And like randy- do you have angela's address? how is she? i miss you jo, i hope i see you sometime in the future, i miss YOu being on the adventures we have :( love you!

At Tue May 31, 01:11:00 AM MDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Carrie I won't be afraid to post a comment, since you asked me. It's just that I might be perceived as an "old fogey" and I can't help saying motherly things that might embarrass you...
I enjoy going to your blog site and I'm glad you got a good job and place near by. I had a nice Memorial Day, helped someone move, took food and things to a needy family that is taking the discussions. Your brother here went to the Parade, went fishing and to a bar-b-que with his friends parents. It's so pretty here in Spring...wish you were here.


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