Wow, long time no post. It's been a long week. It's almost 11:30, I've been to no classes today, I woke up about 15 min ago and I'm sitting in the computer lab in wripped jeans, a pink polo shirt angela gave me, my hair a mess, probably crusties still in my eyes and blue dye all over my hands. I went to the tye-dying clinic yesterday and made myself a shirt. My friend Kason did long johns...a one piece long john complete with a butt flap and buttons. He's planning on wearing it for his ultimate frisbee competition. Which I don't know will happen because it has been freakin windy here. It's intense. When you ride your bike you have to lean into it, or to the side to keep from falling over. But that's not a huge problem for me anymore because I have a truck :) And I love it!! As far as summer time plans go I could take a job from the US fish and wildlife service in California that doesn't start till about mid summer and pays little to nothing (but would still actually be really worth it to me because I would get mad hookups) or I've also got a job at lake Powell being a boat dock assistant. As far as other jobs go, I've still got a few applications out that I'm hopeful for and I'm not going to commit to lake powell till I know. The main plan is to make it through the last week of school, do the gratuation thing, camp/bike/climb or go on a cool trip for about a week and then head down to California where I will look for a job in person. If I don't find one by the 16th of May I'll head back up to Southern Utah and work at lake Powell and look for a better job for the fall in the mean time. Kori will be with me for the whole summer until she goes back up to BYUI for her junior year and Kason might join us for the week trip and job search in California. We'll probably all just live out of my truck or crash at friends houses. It'll be a hoot. I'm so far behind in my classes right now though. I don't think I've missed as much class as I have in the past week or so since high school. I guess it's good I'm graduating.
A little bit of my life
...not a lot, just a little bit...
JO! yahoo! you got a truck thats AWESOME!! looks good, i would buy it- i love toyotas. good choice. man sounds like youre all over the place- i cant beleive youre graduating! steve kugath emailed me and told me there is one spot on summit open if i wanna go for no credit, jsut fuN! haha it was way tempting....but probably not a go. a month in moab though....hahah good you jo- we better stay in touch when you run off from school- i dont want to lose you like some crazy gypsy girl :) good luck with everything!!
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