Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hati hoo ha

Here are some pictures from the Volunteer Coordinator retreat I went on Monday/Tuesday. I like retreats. We see beautiful country and get to log hours 24/7. A few interesting things about the meeting were that every one was fighting the whole time! Yeah, we look like a cheerful bunch but everyone was so passionate about everything that it took hours to come to conclusions. I have to admit though, I was right there in the middle of it. How could I not be though. I've never been one to sit back and watch people get attacked for opinions that I agree with. Plus if I just sat there the whole time I would get really bored. There were a few times though that I think I actually helped solve some problems. I'd explain them more in detail, but it would just be boring to most people. I did find out though that if I were getting paid for this job I would be in the salary range of $15 to $25 per hour depending on experience. Plus I would get mad government benefits. It would be nice. In fact they're hiring a Volunteer Coordinator in Lewiston, but I have decided not to because I'm not ready for a permanent job. Starting in January I am going to travel anywhere I want and get temporary field technician jobs. It' s what I want to do and after talking to several biologist I have found that it's exactly what most of them did before they were married. Then they settled down and could get a good permanent job because of all the experience they had.

Well, work is frustrating these past couple of weeks. Hopefully it will get better. Sometimes I wish I weren't so people oriented. I talk to some people and I'm in a bad mood forever. Then I talk to others and I feel like I can rule the world. Then there are others who make me feel like slacking off and not ruling the world, but sliding by. Or those who make me feel like a competent, hard working, deserving adult and others who make me feel like an immature, inexperienced kid who caught a break and got a job they didn't deserve. I guess I just wish I could be more of my own person and not so caught up in how other people see and treat me. Why does it make such a big difference? Why do I care so much about what people think of me? And now in some weird twist of irony I put this up on my blog. So people can comment and I get excited to see what they write and what they think of me.


At Thu Aug 03, 04:50:00 PM MDT , Blogger Mary Grace said...

Well I think you can rule the world jo- you pretty much do already. your a tough little cookie and i look up to you. and so does kori.
where was that retreat? montana?

At Fri Aug 04, 10:56:00 AM MDT , Blogger Fern said...

GOVERNMENT BENEFITS FOREVER! YEAHH! ROCK ON! :)No, seriously that sort of job doesn't sound for you. Taking some time to 'travel' just sounds so sophisticated doesn't it? I hear that Monterrey is very nice that time of year...

At Fri Aug 04, 10:58:00 AM MDT , Blogger Fern said...

Oh I almost forgot! When you were talking about that 'what people think of you stuff it reminded me of that stuff over to the right on your profile. hmm.
Fernicus again

At Fri Aug 04, 03:03:00 PM MDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Silly girl... people are going to think what they are, don't let what your past pave your future or what people think of you effect how you percive yourself. Have a nice day!

At Sat Aug 05, 07:13:00 PM MDT , Blogger William Cobb said...

jo, if you keep getting affected by what other people say and do you are eventually going to go into the classroom and start shooting everybody. but at least you'll be famous. i guess.


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