Monday, November 01, 2004

This weekend Angela, Sven and Mary came up to visit and it was a blast. Friday night we got together with Haylee Jenny and Kori and we headed to Angela's grandma's cabin. When we got there, I'm not really sure what happened because I sat my lazy butt in the car, but apparently there was shattered glass and dead mice and stuff there so we went to victor and stayed in a posh cabin that Sven used to live in. We watched entrapment, ate apple crisp that angela made and hung out. The next morning we ate breakfast at the white horse cafe and got huge pancakes. Then after a long hastle of getting everyone together, finding cell phones, gear and making sure we dropped off everyone who didn't want to go and picked up everyone who did we drove up to Targee and hiked through the snow all the way up to lift 17. There was soo much powder up there that we could barely snowboard back down. It was fun though and afterwards we ate chilli, french bread and those really good pumpkin spice and chocolate chip bar things that angela makes. Then we watched the mummy for our halloween celebration and went to bed. Sunday morning we went to Mary's friends ward to watch her give a talk and then Mary and Angela went home. That afternoon Tiff, Kori and I went to Kori's house for dinner and we had roast, corn, and potatoes. I love Idaho food. That night was halloween so Kori and I dressed up and went trick or treating. We got a lot of people telling us that trick or treating was supposed to be yesterday, but we stood strong until I was to cold to go on. Then we went home and I gourged myself on candy and we watched hidalgo and went to bed. There has been a lot of movie watching and candy eating lately. Tonight is our FHE halloween party and I have decided I'll have some candy there and then I'm not going to eat any sweets until Thanksgiving when I have pumpking pie.


At Mon Nov 01, 11:59:00 AM MST , Blogger Angela said...

Nice weekend wrap-up. I am also going to try and not eat candy until Thanksgiving, but I'm going to start now since I ate candy for breakfast. Oh boy. It took me from 11:00 to 8:30 to get home last night. I stood at a bus stop (sign post) through a snowstorm in my sweater yesterday for 2 1/2 hours. I was so cold I couldn't even talk b/c I couldn't feel my chin. It sucked. By the time I got home, my face was swollen and puffy, so I wrapped up in a blanket, turned the heater on full-blast and sat on the sofa.

At Mon Nov 01, 12:44:00 PM MST , Blogger Randy Row said...

Wow- you did a lot. My weekend consisted of procrastinating my memo for this week until sunday at midnight, at which point I worked on it until 6:00 AM, napped, and got up for school at 9.. I've gotta stop this cruel routine.


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