Hello blog world. I have figured out that the only way I can post is if I open blogger in the morning and let it load until the afternoon. This is my first time trying...actually this will be a test page to see if it goes through.
A little bit of my life
...not a lot, just a little bit...
jo, it worked. that's weird that it's so slow. well my trail days are done now so i can go back to school. i'll be in AZ for another week though going to learn about some edibles. don't know if i'll get shelves built in utah since dad will be in Hawaii. later.
jo, i just realized it's probably from the network firewall. you should talk to whoever runs the router and see if that's blocking your blog pages.
jo- thanks for the rockin party tonite- i was thinking after i left how much i am going to miss our little group of buddies...we have fun man. i loved laughing like a crazy person all night. and eating so much ice cream and throwing jawbreakers all over your house...hahah
oh hey- my sister said that if youre going to get a plane ticket to AK, $400 is the lowest she has seen, and if you find them, get them asap cause they will go up to like $700 soon. good luck, see you tomorrow on the rock.
How can you say your two favorite books are the book of "mormon & the davici code" The davinci code disproves that all that BS actually happened....grrrrr You make me very angry mrs. cobb...
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