Well, for the past 10 times I've tried to update my blog it wont let me on! Probably because blogger knew all I was going to write is that nothing much is new. All I do is work and I'm broke. It doesn't seem like it should work that way, but it does. This month I've been planting bitterbrush all over Idaho. It was fun at first, but I'm sore and bored with it. Targhee closed today. I went snowboarding for my last time this season on Thursday. I went to a monster truck show a week ago. I don't recommend them. They are long, noisy and all the action could be packed into the 15 second comercial you see for the show. Most of the time some guy is talking and the trucks are driving slowly around in a circle. On a brighter note, I went rock climbing outside for the first time this season. It was still a little cold, but it was fun.
A little bit of my life
...not a lot, just a little bit...
I think I know what you mean by that "All I do is work and I'm broke" thing. It's catching (more so for Ty than me since I'm not technically working). I'm still trying to reach you--my feet are inflated to the size of beach balls:)
yeeeHAW i love waking up thinking it will be spring and weeing 6 inches of snow on my car. what thef....actually tomorrow might not work for me, because i have a frisbee game at 6:30, and its tournament so my team will kill me if i miss it....but maybe with the snow they will just cancel. i am off to do my HW!!! have fun at worky
i got your phone message that it snowed. crazy. it's pretty hot here. well this week i ate some scorpions and a frog. just thought you'd like to know. :) i'll call ya sometime today.
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