Monday, February 13, 2006

the conformed

I went sledding this weekend with Kori and Kona. We took airboards. If you've never been on an air board you really should. They go faster and hurt less. An invention that should have happened years ago. Work is going good. I'm leaving for Boise tomorrow and have decided to take Kona because where I'm driving instead of flying it's actually cheaper to take her with me than it would be to board her. Plus it's more fun for me. I can't wait for spring. I don't even care about snowboarding anymore. I can't afford it and my toes and fingers always get so cold, I just want it to be warm. I want to rock climb and sweat. I want to wear sandals and get a chaco tan. I want to not worry about grabbing a jacket, and gloves and beanie and wool socks and warming the car up 10 min before I can leave. I want to feel sunshine!! I want to live where it is warm. After going over my finances, I have decided not to go back to school right after this job, but take a few temporary field technician jobs for another year or so. I'm excited, I think it will be fun. Maybe I'll go down to Arizona, or even better maybe I'll skip the country and go down to South America or Africa or something.


At Mon Feb 13, 09:51:00 PM MST , Blogger Mary Grace said...

man jo- i feel like college is ending soon and we will all be going different directions all over the world and have our own lives instead of 'our' lives, you know, the lives where we take trips and go climbing i hate growing you. good luck in boise.

At Mon Feb 13, 09:54:00 PM MST , Blogger Mary Grace said...

but dont think that by saying that i dont want you to go- i think it would be an amazing thing to go somewhere cool, and to do it while youre young and can still enjoy it! haha sorry i am getting a little post-happy...happy v-day tomorrow

At Tue Feb 14, 12:58:00 PM MST , Blogger Fern said...



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