Tuesday, January 30, 2007

well, here I am; all settled in and back to work. I look around at everything I have to do and I'm so overwhelmed...then I go down my "to do list" aka: something to make me feel like I'm acomplishing something when I don't want to do what really needs to get done. And as I go through my "to do list" I realize why I have so much to do. I look at them and think "aa, I don't really want to do that right now...it can wait." And so I'm back to blogging. Oh and I think someone asked where I was when I was eating sushi. I was in Spokane Washington at a Japanese and Chinese restaurant with my AmeriCorps group. I tried eel, tuna and salmon. I even tried just plain raw tuna without the rice and other stuff on it. It was not as good. It made me gag, but I swallowed it.

Well, for those of you who don't know; here are some of my plans for the future.
I will continue on working for the Fish and Game until December. I work approximately 38 hours a week as the volunteer coordinator, 6 hours a week as a fisheries technician and 10 hours a week as a "helper" at Mud Lake. I think the offical term is a technician but I basically drive a tractor up and down a field. At this pace, Sunday will be my only full day off but I will take 1/2 days on Tuesdays. Not Saturdays because that's when we need to do most of our volunteer projects. While I'm working I plan to take the GRE and get into a grad school somewhere as well as plan out how I will get through grad school for free. This plan will make it so on Dec. 15 2007 I will be debt free (unfortunately not including my student loans)and ready to start grad school in January. While I am in school my loans will be on forbearance, meaning I don't have to pay them, and I will not be taking out anymore. I'll go to school for another 2 years or so and if I am married to someone who has to stay in one spot I'll get a permanent job. If not, I'd like to get a federal job with the BLM or Fish and Wildlife. I will travel all around the country and get all my moves paid for by the government. Ha ha. Well in the mean time I am also working on a plan for biking from Canada to Mexico. I need a really good cause so if you have ideas, please donate them. If things work out the way I want, everyone who goes can get $1000 to put towards school and maybe even a free bike.


At Wed Jan 31, 01:02:00 AM MST , Blogger Mary Grace said...

wow A free bike?! thats pretty coo. i stil like th ideas of being physically fit and helping the envoirnment b biking instead of driving places, and i like the enviornemental causes. i think that is an issue worth biking for. also, your life plans sound pretty good. all i am planning right now is how and when to graduate, and where i can find a useful internship. lovely. love you.

At Wed Jan 31, 07:29:00 AM MST , Blogger tolman said...

well i dont know what to tell you about my blog it dose that to me every once and a while to but i still dont know how to fix it, and im glad to see some of your goals , and to see that you blog when your borad to, but all this has given me a good direction on what needs to be done or talked about , well talk this weekend.

At Wed Jan 31, 10:00:00 PM MST , Blogger Rachel said...


I am glad that you are back! I missed you! Anyway, I am glad that you have a plan for the future. Maybe you could give me a little advice. LOL! Anyway, lifes a little slow right now. Would be fun to get together and talk!



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