Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This is a cute letter I got from a 12 year old. It came with a picture of him. You probably can't read it, so here's what it says:

Dear Jo,
Before I get started in the whole volunteer thing, I'd like to introduce myself, so you know who you're working with!
My name is Logan curtis, and my passion is camping, hunting, fishing, just plainly the outdoors! I'm really looking forward to this and I hope you sign me up for the first project!
I'm pretty strong, I play a little football, and I help out on the farm alot. I have 8 horses, 6 ponies, 10 chickens, 19 elk, and a turkey! I always see on TV and the news FandG are in helicopters chasing elk and putting radio collars on deer, but I know now that that isn't the only thing you do! So I will do pretty much anything I can so someday I can be out in teh helicopter too!

p.s. I want to work for Fish and Game when I grow up!!!

(soon to be) volunteer FandG officer,
Logan Curtis


At Tue Feb 13, 03:41:00 PM MST , Blogger Fern said...

That is such a cute letter! It must make you so happy to have a job that kids dream about having someday. To Logan, you're an astronaut (and not a crazy one in diapers, the good kind)! Plus, I love how he underlined his name like 3 times at the end of his letter. You'd better not forget who he is! hehe

At Tue Feb 13, 03:41:00 PM MST , Blogger kori said...

funny kid and he's pretty confident, i don't think i would have sent a letter like that when i was twelve

At Tue Feb 13, 06:33:00 PM MST , Blogger Mary Grace said...

haha that i so funny! the kids gonnna live his dream if he is already started on it at age 12!

At Wed Feb 14, 07:29:00 AM MST , Blogger tolman said...

to bad he dosent know your a girl

At Wed Feb 14, 12:02:00 PM MST , Blogger Angela said...

dEar Jo:
After hearing his letter, I decided that I need to pursue my dreams with that kind of direction and optimism. Long-live the F&G. I didn't know you got to fly around in helicoptors. My hobbies are eating cookies for every meal and staying in one spot for hours at a time.

At Wed Feb 14, 04:20:00 PM MST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That letter is so precious, I hope you keep it and stay in touch with him over the years, and then let him read it when he is older. He will be able to see then just how dreams come true...lots of foresight, planning, and just plain hard work. Are suitably impressed that you are some one's hero? you should be proud as punch!
Mare's dad

At Wed Feb 14, 10:13:00 PM MST , Blogger M.climb said...

I think that you should just go ahead and hire him for the fish and game. They will thank you for it when he gets older.


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