acupuncture? So I have this pinch under my shoulder blade. Something that happens every so often since I hurt it a few years ago. I've gone to chiropractors that cannot fix it and some that have but this is the first time I've had them try acupuncture. This isn't a picture of me but it's pretty close to what happened. Only I had 2 needles and he ran an electric currnent through them. Weird or not, my shoulder feels better. It was kind of cool actually. The needles are so small you don't even feel them go in. Then when he runs electricity through it it starts to sting but it's a good sting. Best of all, thanks to insurance, the whole thing was only $8.
so now your stiking needles in you , you druge :)
Wow Jo! That's pretty bold to try acupuncture for the first time. I'm glad it feels better and it was not too expensive! I cured a pain in my shoulder by exercise, massages, and fixing my backpack so it wouldn't rest on my shoulders so much.
Well I guess I'll see u for easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im glad that it has helped. That is quit a unique route to take one I would have never thought of.
wow jo, you druggie...hahah oh tolman, i love your spelling... well this weekend was fun. can we say that enough!? haha maybe we should plan a bike ride down part of the coast for the 10 days i have off on the break?
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