Sunday, February 15, 2009

the almost forgotten blog

I'll be honest. I actually thought about not blogging anymore. But who can resist a webpage with pictures and text all about themselves! I probably should spend a few sentences explaining what I've been doing the past month or 2 but I'm lazy so here is the new stuff:

I am in London England with Brian visiting Bruce, Sarka, Misha, AnnaMarie, and Kristina. Things here are simply smashing and everything I expected and more.


At Mon Feb 16, 01:52:00 AM MST , Blogger William Cobb said...

What brilliant photo's of our adventures. Cheers!

At Mon Feb 16, 12:34:00 PM MST , Blogger Porter said...

Cool pictures! I hope you come back with an English accent. That would be pretty hot!

At Thu Feb 19, 11:48:00 AM MST , Blogger Angela said...

so isn't london lovely? I can see that you'll probably be smitten with words like, "cheers", "smashing", rubbish, the boot etc. . . I love Britains also! I SO wish I could be there with you! I really miss you and i'm glad you finally posted because I have no way of talking to you (I guess?)-- if you do or can, give me a call.


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