Tuesday, November 02, 2004

snowman steamers

today is a slow day. I woke up only a few minutes late which actually put me ahead of schedule because I've learned to plan for sleeping an extra half hour or so. I caught a ride to school instead of riding my bike because I'm tired of peeling it off the frozen grass and having to scrape off my bike seat. Not to mention the fact that yesterday my rear brakes froze and I almost flew over my handle bars because of it. Speaking of bike accidents, Kori got hit by a car yesterday! It wasn't bad though. The car was pulling out of a parking lot and Kori was riding on the sidwalk and decided to go around the back of the car. Well, I guess they decided they couldn't make it into traffic and backed up into the parking lot and right into Kori. I thought it was kinda funny.
After swim class I walked through the library quad and discovered that our school now sells steamers on campus for just a buck! Just another reason why I love BYU-Idaho.
Angela, I'm sorry you had such a crappy day at the bus stop. Shame on Mary for leaving you there...Mary I hope you're reading this!
Randy, don't procrastinate your homework! You and me both though buddy. I've got a research paper due tomorrow and I'm not even for sure of my topic. Plus I have to work and be in class today till 6. It' s going to be a great night.

By the way everybody...Targee opens the 19th! It would be rockin if we could all go together!!


At Wed Nov 03, 11:28:00 AM MST , Blogger Fern said...

hey Jo!
sorry I haven't gotten a chance to call you back yet. I'm just pretty much having the worst 2 weeks of my life and surprisingly that takes up way more energy than a good week. Plus to top off everything. I screwed up my foot pretty bad on saturday falling off the couch. yeah, so anyway. I was gonna call you today but from the sound of your blog you're pretty busy, so plan on hearing from me tomarrow. I hope that your paper goes good. I wish I was there to help like in the 'ol days'.

At Wed Nov 03, 11:01:00 PM MST , Blogger Mary Grace said...

DANG IT jo of COURSE i feel bad!!! jeez what a crappy thing to have to sit in the bus stop in the snow. i am a jerk. i know......you have permission to beat me up for doing that to your best friend....(and i know you can, cause you are getting so buff these days...) haha and tell Kori to wear a snowboarding helmet when she rides bikes...cause it keeps your head warm in the cold AND i think its better protection in case a car might hit you.....

At Fri Nov 05, 02:42:00 PM MST , Blogger Randy Row said...

By the way-- what the heck is a steamer? It's definitely not what I'm thinking.


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