Thursday, January 27, 2005

ok, here's a little list of cool things that have happened:
  • I got a new phone and it's gorgeous
  • I took 4th out of 12 in the 'western riding' contest today
  • angela's coming tomorrow
  • I'm going snowboarding tomorrow
  • sam is coming monday night
  • I paid off my credit card in full
  • I'm actually making progress towards my BMI goal
  • and right now I'm eating a really good apple and I smell like a horse.

I went to put the saddle away and left salmon river (my horse) in the arena to cool down a little before I took him outside in the snow and when I got back he was rolling around in the dirt like a puppy. It was soo funny. But I guess you're not supposed to let them do that because if one does, all the rest want to too. In case you're wondering the rumor is true. One by one all the horses in the arena started to go down and roll in the dirt. ha ha good times!
As far as the riding contest goes I was doing good for a while then my right leg started to spaze out. Not the whole thing but the lower right side of my calf was bouncing kind of like when your muscles are shot and you're trying to rock climb. In the mean time we had been trotting for a while. Well, first off here's how the contest works: There were 3 judges and the teacher was calling out what to do. ex: 'soft trot' 'fast trot' 'walk' 'lope' 'turn a half circle in a soft trot'. And if you broke gait you were out and had to go to the middle. Then the remaining riders were judged on astetics pretty much. I ended up getting called out because Bro. Baldwin said I didn't make it look like that horse was fun to ride. I didn't mind though, because it wasn't. After I stopped I was scooting around trying to figure out what was wrong with my leg when I realized my right stirup was a link shorter than the other one. So the whole time I was riding I was resting mostly on that side. The other major problem I was having I probably shouldn't mention on my blog but I'm going to put a disclaimer here: If you are male or just don't want to know 'too much' about me DO NOT read this. Or I guesss I should say read at your own risk. You can start reading again at the new paragraph. We had been trotting for a while and I guess it was just too much bouncing because my tampon was sliding out and I wanted nothing more that to get called out to the middle so I could stop! Sick I know, sorry I hope that wasn't too inapropriate. But anyways between one short stirup and my tampon problem I had an interesting riding day.

Well, now I have a test to take and one to study for. *


At Thu Jan 27, 03:26:00 PM MST , Blogger Fern said...

That has to be one of my favorite blurps you've ever posted!! It sounded just like you, I mean your manerisims. You wrote it just the way you talk. Way to go. Although telling people that they might not want to read something is a sure fire way to get them to read it. haha. I can't wait to hang out next week and JUDGE SAM (Read as if you are an omnipresent power)j/k.

At Thu Jan 27, 10:33:00 PM MST , Blogger Randy Row said...

Wow-- you should have made that known-- I do believe that would have been an extra 10 points for Gryffindor had your triumph in the face of such seemingly unsurmountable adversity been brought to light!

At Sun Jan 30, 09:52:00 PM MST , Blogger Mary Grace said...

JO nice blog and nice job on the horses...i laughed out loud at your tampon problem,,,,,have fun boarding without me, i miss it, but i still like NZ. anyhoo miss you jsut wanted to say hi!


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