Tuesday, October 03, 2006

lunch time news

I was in the break room eating lunch and I read the news paper. I know it's supposed to be good to keep up with what is happening in the world but I really want to know why it's important for me to know that some sick milk man in Pennsylvania went into a 1 room Amish school house with a hand gun, shot gun, rifle, stun gun, knife, cord and tape and (after kicking out the teacher and all the boys) lined all the girls up against the chalk board, bound their feet and shot 3 of them "execution" style killing them instantly. Then he severely injured 7 more before he killed himself. This man had a wife, 3 kids and a stable job as a milk man. He was not Amish, nor affiliated with them in any way. So far investigators think it may have been a result of something that happened in his childhood and he chose the Amish school because it was "close" and had little to no security. What the heck! Who could shoot little Amish girls! ...just one more reason why I hate media.

On a brighter note there was a good quote. I cant remember it exactly but it went something along the lines of. "Man should never be opposed to admiting he was wrong, because in other words he is saying that he is wiser today than he was yesterday."


At Tue Oct 03, 02:37:00 PM MDT , Blogger Mary Grace said...

wow Jo, thats kind of disturbing...that milk man story. you rimind me of why i ALSO dont keep up with the news. strangely, i dont remember the last time i watched the news. or read the paper. weird. good quote though. liked it. i am off to get things done!

At Tue Oct 03, 08:15:00 PM MDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and be honest, because I think friends should be honest. I was more upset when I read your post than when I actually heard about the story yesterday. I won't go into all the reasons on a comment. I take it as a wake-up call to much bigger issues. This is the 3rd school incidence like this in a week. I believe in being aware and educated about current events in order to prevent ignorance, naivate and to help make a difference. I don't mean to upset anyone by writing all of this, but I just couldn't read this post and ignore it.

At Tue Oct 03, 10:31:00 PM MDT , Blogger William Cobb said...

yeah thats sick.

and relating to prev. comments: i was just thinking today in the meso america meeting how cool it would be to live in south america/india/etc. for a few years. but the big Q is 'how do you live a simple life for a few years and then come back to society and be respected enough to make money to live with a family???'

At Wed Oct 04, 03:27:00 PM MDT , Blogger Angela said...

I read this story also on Wikipedia this morning. It is horrible. I do believe in being informed to an extent, but drenching myself in the depressing news of our day is NOT necessary. In my history of mesoamerica class, I leave feeling literally sick to my stomach from all that we see and hear. Remember that day we went to get spackle and you started singing "have I done any good in the world today?" That's the thought I have when I see/read things less than "praiseworthy"

At Thu Oct 05, 08:09:00 AM MDT , Blogger tolman said...

so im feeling preaty thrashed how about you

At Fri Oct 06, 01:15:00 AM MDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's just mom here. Just a comment about all the killings. It helps to have hobbies, have goals & uplifting friends, eat healthy, exercise, do good deeds,read scriptures & good books, sing, whistle. Perfectly nice people can become monsters after they get on those SSRI drugs, because of the Seritonin nightmare dreams they have, and not being able to distinquish reality from dreams when on these drugs. They do these killings in their dream state, in which they appear to be awake. There is a prooven and correct way to go off the drug safely, that will not cause a true psychosis 6 months after the person goes off the drugs. On her website www.drugawareness.org, Tracy warns that it is better to just stay on those SSRI drugs rather than go off them the wrong way. Her web site is worth going to.



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