Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ok, for everyone who has been asking, these are my tentative plans for this weekend. I don't care if this is really what happens, but I'm getting the impression that no one really has solid plans so maybe this can be something solid to work from.

Drive to Utah Friday night and arrive in Provo sometime around 7pm so we can go to angela's ward barbeque thing. Friday night possibly stay at angelas house so we can wake up and partake of the free breakfast. yesss :) I want to listen to all 4 sessions of conference but I don't mind going somewhere else and listening to the saturday ones (possibly rock canyon?) In between the sessions I believe angela said there was more free food in the form of a barbeque potluck type thing somewhere. Then we have from 4 on pretty much open. Sunday morning we could go to salt lake where those who choose to can go in the conference center. In between sessions I think we were hoping to hang out at marcus' house...most likely we will have more food. I plan on heading back up to Idaho around 6 or so because as most of you know I like to be in bed by 10.

Other things I plan on squeezing in:
1. trying on five10 shoes
2. finding burton freestyle boots size 8 color:black
3. helping put shelves up in my parents garage
4. meeting up with karah at some point
5. swimming
6. going to that outdoors store to check out those buckles I want to use for a dog collar

ok, if anyone has any ideas, let me know


At Wed Sep 27, 07:05:00 PM MDT , Blogger Mary Grace said...

sounds good jo- i love it. good thing you take initiative and plan things. and take in to account food. always a great planner, you are :)

At Wed Sep 27, 11:17:00 PM MDT , Blogger tolman said...

okay first thing first how did you get the link with every ones blog on your page , i really want one , second i really love how you and me always sem to take charge of activitys and be the leading role , sorry to those out there that hate it when we do this. i like the comnen things about us . im really bumbed about you not being able to come on the 19-23 but i understand the work thing and hours but i would really like it if you could make the nov 4 thing . go to the black dimand reteal store they have like 50 shoes to choose from , i can tell yuo how to get there if you dont know how

At Thu Sep 28, 03:57:00 PM MDT , Blogger tolman said...

well i might not be in them but you can see my chock markes , and jo if your still in town at the end of the year there will be a good chance that i will up and move to pocatello , i dont know if that helps you dicide but if it dose good , ive wanted to move there for a year know and this could be a good enough reason to go and do it.

At Sun Oct 01, 10:14:00 PM MDT , Blogger M.climb said...

Well, I don't imagine you got to all of your plans but it was a good time either way. Thanks for coming down and hanginout.


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