Sunday, November 02, 2008

They have these cool cholla cactus here that the birds like to make nests in. Also they have wild tarantulas and Kona found one on our bike ride. I found a Yucca and it stabbed me in the leg. There is also a picture here of part of the border fence. They have pedestrian fence and vehicle fence. This is the vehicle fence.

Here are some pics from my job. A little bit of the scenery, me next to a really old monument put up by the Mexicans to define the border, my nifty security clearance badge, the old border fence, and the new border fence. Also note that I am wearing steel toed boots, a safety vest and hard hat. I have to wear all of this everyday ALL day.

Here are some pics from New Mexico/Texas. I live right on the border-technically I live in Texas and I work in New Mexico. Kona and I explored a biking and hiking trail together. All the plants here have huge thorns or small ones that get stuck in you.