Thursday, September 29, 2005

Yo yo yo! Well living in Utah is different but it's about the way I pictured it. I've been subing mormon kids for mormon teachers. One kid today complained about having a test on monday (we did a review in class) saying it wasn't fair because he wouldn't have enough time to study with conference weekend. Needless to say all I told him was tough luck. Subing is ok, but obviously not what I want to do for the rest of my life. This Monday I'm heading up to Camas Idaho to do a bird banding job. It doesn't pay much but it will be great experience and that is what I need to get a higher paying job. I've also been thinking about doing realestate on the side.
My mom is down in Cali helping out my grandma. She might come back soon though. My grandma needs to decide who she gives legal authority to take care of her to before my mom does much more. They have a lot of strange rules about old people. If it were my mom in that condition I'd just make her come live with me. Or if she didn't want that I'd give her the option of assisted living. Those would be her only 2 options. None of this wishy washy decision crap.
We're going to move the kitties out to the barn. I don't really want to though. It think it gets to cold out there for them and I like having them right where I can pet them any time I want. I guess they are cats though and they'll probably like being out by the barn better anyways.
I've been reading The Da Vinci Code. It's really the first book I've read with out it being an assignment or the scriptures of course. I like it. It's intriguing.
This weekend should be pretty packed. Brian's coming down and brining 2 girls. Kason is also coming down, we'll probably go biking with Scott, hang out with Randy, Karah also wants to hang out, and Kori is coming down. I feel like I've had so many days of no hanging out and then this weekend has exploded. I'm excited though, it should be fun.
Well, ta ta for now!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Well today was very...interesting. I had my very first substitute teaching experience. The perks? I got to write on the board when ever I wanted. Other than that it went pretty much like kindergarten kop if any of you have seen that. Well actually it wasn't that bad. But I did have rubber band guns, flirtatious fights, a few small food fights, a broken plate and a broken cup. Yes, you guessed it: 7th grade home economics. We made cinnamon biscuits. Good news though, by the end of the day the room was clean, everyone had thier assignments done and I got a "you rock" from a student. Well actually it went more like this. During passing period a kid came in and said "you're our substitue?" and a kid from my last period said "shut up...Jo rocks!" I don't know if it's a good thing the kids liked me so much, but oh well. I get to do it all again tomorrow to. I think I might try elementary school where there's at least a noticible size difference between me and the students. I also had a kid come in the class with a note for the teacher who passed by me twice before he recognised me as the sub. One thing I got to teach them though was that you could substitute apple sauce for shortening if they made the buiscuts in the future. It made me feel good that I may have helped someone be a little more healthy. Anyways I passed up the opportunity to go biking today to just take a chill break. Subing was stressful. They were just so noisy!
On another note, Sterling and I found some free kittens and took 2 of them home for ours. They are soooo cute! one is calico and the other is orange. I think the orange one is the runt. She is sooo small. She has really poofy hair though so it's hard to notice unless you pet her but when I do I can't believe how tiny she is. Well I'm at Mary's brothers house for a little bar-b-q so I'd better go.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

whooo weeee its been a long time since I've posted. A lot has happened. I quit my jobs and have moved to Highland Utah. My parents bought a huge house there and so far it's just my dad, sterling and me living in it. We have no furniture except for a few chairs and a fouton I bought today from D.I. I never thought I would say this but I love Utah. I love the mountains and the open space. San Diego is wonderful but it gets so crowded and expensive! I found out from my chiropractor today that I have wiplash from an accident I was in a while ago. According to him my ligaments were torn and healed incorrectly and if I don't get it taken care of it will be about 10 years or so when the calcium deposits will build up so much that my neck vertebrae will be essentially fused and I will lose motility in my neck. I have to do it. We're working on getting the other guy to pay for it though. ok, now for the fun part. my official life plan is to work at a ski resort this winter while I voulenteer at a place that will give me good biology experience and then this summer I want to work in Alaska or Africa or some where cool. Then (and I know this sounds horrible to say but) if I'm not married by then I'll probably enroll in a masters program somewhere in utah, who knows maybe BYU. Well, there it is for now. And yes it is subject to change. Hey on a lighter note I had a good weekend. Mary and Kori came down and we went climbing, floated down the Provo river and skinny dipped in a community hot tub. whoop yeah!!!