Wednesday, May 23, 2007

goin' crazy?

I'm not the one that's crazy...well maybe

This past weekend was crazy fun! (See mary's blog -link on the right- for pictures and details) I have to be brutally honest could have been better. I could have done without all the crap. And by crap I mean both literally poo everywhere (both animal and human) and drama due to...well I don't really feel the need to explain it but really "can't we all just get along?" Sometimes when dealing with these types of situations (I don't really know what I mean by that because I have NEVER had to deal with a situation even close to this)I am reminded of something that my dear friend angela told me. She said that nothing seems to be a big deal to me. In this situation I think it is true. It's really not that big of a deal to me...why is it to everyone else?! I've been getting a lot of "how would you feel if you were in my shoes?" Type questions and all I think of saying is FINE! I think I would feel just fine!

I pretty much slept all day yesterday re cooperating from my vacation. Today at work I've spent the majority of my day planning with my relatively new planner (thanks mom!) I think it is going to help.

I'm usually not a pessimistic, glass is half empty kind of person but lately I've felt like a downer. Like I don't have happy energy of my own. It all must be borrowed and when I'm not surrounded by happy people I'm screwed. Maybe I'm going through a really early mid life crisis or I guess you would call it a quarter life crisis? I hope it doesn't last for very long. But I don't really think that is what it is. I don't feel like I'm too old to fulfil my dreams yet. I feel like I'm being manipulated and my personal bubble of serenity has been cheese grated. I hate being subject to my surroundings. It's getting to the point where I want to wear a sign that says "if you're not in a good mood GET AWAY FROM ME. I don't want to hear anymore about what I'm doing wrong, unfair, or making things harder for anyone else- work, church or social life. If I suck so much LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!


At Wed May 23, 11:33:00 PM MDT , Blogger Mary Grace said...

hey jo- you'll pull through. turns out hava wasnt a band aid, but more like salt in the wound...sorry about that :)
But wow, i like the bitter passion in this post. youre not a casual swearer...and i like the image of the cheese grater demolishing youre serenity bubble. i feel like that sometimes. love you

At Thu May 24, 07:22:00 AM MDT , Blogger tolman said...

wow i would tell yuo to call me but i dont have a phone , im worryed about you jo thats deffently not you

At Thu May 24, 04:29:00 PM MDT , Blogger Angela said...

I would probably be concerned if I didn't know you better. . . but even bad situations to you aren't that bad as soon as you walk away. As a matter of fact, I would guess that after writing this post you almost chuckle at the dramatic prose (I am not however, down-playing your discouragement) At least you know most of your frustration is a result from being too loved instead of too alone. Cheers, my great friend. I loved Havapoopi.


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