Monday, March 07, 2005

ok, I have like 5 seconds till class starts so I'm gonna try and do this asap. Kori fell off her bike on fri. trying to stop for a car too fast and flew over her handle bars: 7 stitches and a trip to the hospital. We didn't end up going boarding, I test drove a few pickups but decided neither of them were worth it. Sat. we rode out bikes to Kori's uncles house and played pool and watched cellular. Then we went back after church on sunday and ate deer that he shot, really good potatoes, corn and buiscuts. We played pool, rode the 4 wheelers and visited her grandparents. I have a GIS test to take tonight. THE END


At Wed Mar 09, 03:35:00 PM MST , Blogger Randy Row said...

What is it with staying out from in front of cars in Rexburg? I don't get it. I'm super jealous of that zit, by the way. and the potatoes.


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