Wednesday, October 25, 2006

son of a #@$*! hit my first car today. I just want to say although it was my fault... it wasn't fair! It was a tiny little sports car thing that was parked right behind me and a little to the right. I honestly could not see it! I could barely feel it. I thought maybe I ran over a piece of wood or something so I got out to make sure I didn't run over something that fell out of my truck and discovered that had scraped my bumper down the side of Sven's dad's car! suck! Then, a little confused I got back in the truck to see why I hadn't been able to see the stupid car. I checked my mirrors and windows and sure enough, the only part of the car I could see was the little antennae. And it didn't help that it was covered in snow. Then as if I wasn't feeling stupid enough, I made the mistake of calling a repair shop. The guy there just continued to make me feel like an idiot as he got impatient with me trying to get a quote out of him when I didn't know the year, make, or model of car. So here's the real question though. Do I report it to my insurance? or do I just pay for it myself? Sometimes Wednesdays feel like Mondays. Oh and it's snowing...we were supposed to go climbing today. Also I was listening to my messages at work as I was typing this and I missed someones name so I went to hit REW and accidentally hit DEL. I'm full of accidents today. Not good. I have to teach scouts to build things today.


At Wed Oct 25, 03:47:00 PM MDT , Blogger Mary Grace said...

man jo!! that sucks! i missed everything today. was dad mad? ahhh i just need to hear all this. bummer on the bad 'hump' day though. maybe i will have you a hump day treat for when you get home...i am sure the pumpkin party will go better than your day!

At Wed Oct 25, 05:32:00 PM MDT , Blogger kori said...

dangit, we should have just slept a few more hours this morning. Don't worry, our party will brighten your day! love ya jo

At Wed Oct 25, 09:42:00 PM MDT , Blogger William Cobb said...

man that sucks. i really hate it when stuff like that happens.

i don't know about the insurance thing. if it's only paint damage you could do that, but if fenders have to be replaced then you may have to rely on insurance.

have some herbal tea to help relax.

At Thu Oct 26, 08:20:00 AM MDT , Blogger Fern said...

ahh car accidents...brings back so many terrible memories. There really is no way to win. They make you want to take a nap and pretend the whole thing never happened. Sorry.

At Sun Oct 29, 10:28:00 AM MST , Blogger M.climb said...

All those little things in life that make us realize that we are still human. Sorry about the car. Im sure it will all work out.

At Mon Nov 06, 12:50:00 AM MST , Blogger Randy Row said...

Hey that's too bad. Well, if I were you I would just try to get it fixed or negotiate on a cash settlement. Some insurance companies jack you on your premium if you report an accident... I usually only report things to insurance as a last resort. you'll almost always save money by paying for it outright. I hope things work out!!


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