Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ok, for everyone who has been asking, these are my tentative plans for this weekend. I don't care if this is really what happens, but I'm getting the impression that no one really has solid plans so maybe this can be something solid to work from.

Drive to Utah Friday night and arrive in Provo sometime around 7pm so we can go to angela's ward barbeque thing. Friday night possibly stay at angelas house so we can wake up and partake of the free breakfast. yesss :) I want to listen to all 4 sessions of conference but I don't mind going somewhere else and listening to the saturday ones (possibly rock canyon?) In between the sessions I believe angela said there was more free food in the form of a barbeque potluck type thing somewhere. Then we have from 4 on pretty much open. Sunday morning we could go to salt lake where those who choose to can go in the conference center. In between sessions I think we were hoping to hang out at marcus' house...most likely we will have more food. I plan on heading back up to Idaho around 6 or so because as most of you know I like to be in bed by 10.

Other things I plan on squeezing in:
1. trying on five10 shoes
2. finding burton freestyle boots size 8 color:black
3. helping put shelves up in my parents garage
4. meeting up with karah at some point
5. swimming
6. going to that outdoors store to check out those buckles I want to use for a dog collar

ok, if anyone has any ideas, let me know

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

wahoo. I finally figured out how to get links on the side of my blog :)
I know most of you have this already, but lets face it...sometimes I'm a little slow and I don't promise to catch up, but I promise to keep going.

Well, I decided (more like AmeriCorps told me I had to) to make a schedule for the rest of the year planning out how many hours per month, week and day I need to work to get my 1700 hours in. It really sucks! I have to work every work day from now until December 15th plus 2 Saturdays in October and 2 in November. I start to get annoyed then I slow down and think about what I am saying. I feel soo pampered. I'm actually upset and think it sucks to have to work every work day? Don't most people have to do that? I don't like being in an office, but it is nice to be out of the weather when it gets cold. I'll just have to plan my days according to the weather.
I made more plum fruit leather today. I don't think I put enough sugar in it though because some of it is really sour. I guess that's ok though, if that's what you like. I think the biggest problem is that because it's in the form of fruit roll ups, I don't think if it as plums/prunes. I have had soo much today...too much if you know what I mean.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

PRESSURE: It can turn a lump of coal into a flawless diamond, or an average person into a perfect basketcase.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

More quotes:
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
John Muir quotes

Nature is too thin a screen; the glory of the omnipresent God bursts through everywhere
Ralph Waldo Emerson

So I'm looking for a good wildlife quote to put in the upcoming newsletter and I came across this one:

Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway."Maya Angelou quotes (American Poet, b.1928)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

This post is a shout out to Fern. I read your blog and still cannot post comments. Keep posting though. It's the only way to see pictures.

I found out today that AmeriCorps forgot to add my July hours into the count and I'm only 66 hours behind. Whew! I still have some catching up to do, but no where near what I thought. Hmmm...other news. I want shoes....These ones. So if any one can find a size 8 for under $100, I'm in. I am also looking for five ten climbing shoes that suit my fancy. However I cannot decide on line and there is only 1 store in I.F. that carries them. I guess I'll have to go out of town for a shopping trip. How uncharacteristic but fun!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Can I just say that I hope my work can't track how many hours I've spent on blogs and emails while "working". Mary asked me an interesting question today: "So what do you actually do at work?" Well, that's part of my problem...not much. And the sad part is that even at that I'm still 217 hours behind! Which means I'll have to work most Saturdays from here until December. Grrr! I hate working full time. I used to hate working 2 jobs...I guess I just don't really like having a job. I don't mind working hard, I guess I just like to play too much. Speaking of playing, this weekend was a ton of fun! I don't have pictures yet climbing competitions are definitely worth it. It started Friday night when we went to see this really cocky professional climber named Hans talk about himself for an hour or so. He had wavy blonde hair and reminded us all of Hansel from Zoolander. "He's soo hot right now." Then we camped out at Ross park. Angela and Marcus came up from Utah, Jared, Craig, Corey, and Bridget came from Boise area, and Mary, Brian, Kori and I came down from Rexburg, and Tim and Kelly met us in Pocatello. We had a pretty good size crowd and I think for the first time in my life meshing groups of friends actually worked. Saturday morning we woke up early to register and there were climbers everywhere. The climbing competition went on for a total of 4 1/2 hours for 3 heats. Mary, Kori and I all climbed in the 3rd one to try and get the best weather. It worked. The sun started to peek through, and my fingers found feeling in them around the 3rd climb. Angela was my belayer and motivator. I owe most of the fact that I kept climbing to her. I was cold, and that was enought to make me want to sit in the car. Lame I know...but that 's the way it was. I hate being cold. I'm so glad I kept going though. Some of the climbs were a ton of fun and I did some moves I had never pulled off before. I got 11 climbs in total in my hour and a half. Then we set up a slack line in the park and ate at the Pig Out. I have to admit, the food was good, but for $10 I was expecting a little better. Then after we were all full and freezing again we headed down to Lava Hot Springs. I couldn't have asked to be anywhere else. It felt soo good to soak in the hot water after being so cold and exherting ourselves all day. That night we stayed at Tim's house...soo comfy and woke up early again for the comp. We went to church in our street clothes and then went back over to watch the kids compete, do some boldering and hear the awards. Jared definitely won out on the awards. He walked away with a new rope and shoes. I got new shoes, Mary got new prana pants, Kori got a hang bar which she traded to Jed for a rope, Brian got a quick draw, Kona got a frisbee, Tim got a headlamp, Craig got a mamut harness and most importantly Mary took 2nd place out of our division! Well, after all that and a lot of hanging out we headed home. I had a lot of fun. I'll try to post picts soon.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I would just like to bring everyone's attention to the fact that the ad banner on the top of my blog picks out key words from my posts and advertises accordingly. Sometimes they are really bizarre ads. Some times they have good deals though. I wonder if I wanted to get good deals on climbing gear, camping gear, kayaks, or look for free food, I could just type it here on my blog and I would get solicited with useful ads. I also wonder what would happen if I posted things like "I have a toe that looks like a dried blueberry" Well, here it goes...

I have friends looking for jobs.
I want free easy money.
I want cheap gear.
I want better gas mileage.
I don't want to work anymore.
I want to travel cheap.
I want free food.
I want sunny weather.
I want my armpit to not hurt anymore.
And most of all I don't want to be in charge of the volunteers anymore!

This feels a bit like writing to Santa...only I feel like this will work a little better.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Ok, for those interested you must print off and mail in a registration form to compete in the Pocatello pump. Go to brian's webpage and he has a link to the official page with the registration form and schedule. Also Tolman has jumped on the band wagon and created a blog. It's And I think Kona got in a fight with some coyote's last night. I heard a bunch of them really close to the house and shortly after Kona came home covered in slobber and dirt with a bloody bite mark on her head. Poor kona :(
Ok, one last thing. I moved most of my stuff yesterday and have lost Kori's keys and my phone. Hopefully I'll find them both some time today or tomorrow.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

First day back

well, I haven't updated for a while (brought to my attention by angela about 10 minutes ago) and I decided since I'm back to my lame routine at work I might as well kill some time. Man, coming back to work sucks. I had like 100 emails to go over, most of which were completely irrelevant by now, and now absolutely nothing to do. There are no projects because I haven't planned them and there's no paper work because I wrapped everything up before I left. The only thing I have to do I really don't want to do- find projects for this really annoying adopt a wetland school group. In the mean time all my brain wants to think about is fun trips I can go on or how I should train for the Pocatello Pump climbing competition. Sometimes when thinking of a career I try to find something I would be happy doing for the rest of my life. Then I realize I wouldn't be happy doing any one thing for the rest of my life and most of my friends my age feel the same way. I think it will work out fine though because the way I see it if we get a big enough circle of friends we can all just trade jobs for the rest of our lives and never do the same thing in a year. We can quit when ever we want and be confident we will find new jobs because some one else is bound to want to quit at the same time. Some times I think about angelas 'never never land' post. Maybe it's very irresponsible of me but I would love to live in a tree house, ride my bike every where, not have any bills and have dinner made for me every night. Not care about balanced meals, doing my laundry, or waking up at a certain time. Make my money by riding my scooter to our neighbors houses every saturday and recycling the cans they leave on their door step for me and not feeling bad about blowing it all on jolly ranchers, ice cream and an occasional pet. Not fixing the cat because I love it when she has kittens and I really had no concept of over population. Being able to go anywhere barefoot, with a dirty face and one of the hardest decisions of the day is whether you should take this wave, or wait for the next one. When I'm frustrated with some one give them a dirty look and push them while making this noise "uuuhh!" Ok, I should stop now. But really I miss the simplicity of being a kid and I feel like I took it away from myself by getting into so much debt. I hate it. One day though, I'll have everything paid off and I'll go back to my true self. Where I felt fulfilled by simple things like digging a pond or biking with Fergie. Until then I will (in the words of Bro. Stricklan) sit here and rot while by cubicle steals my soul in increments until I become a shallow husk of my former self.